• Welcome to The Refuge at the Ignatius Centre

    Welcome to The Refuge

    A haven for healing...

  • Attuned, Compassionate Care

    Holistic Psychotherapy
    Mental Health and Wellbeing
    Trauma Therapy and Trauma-Informed Approaches

  • Somatic Experiencing and Body Memory Recall

    Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy

    Emotion Regulation and Resiliency
    Trauma Release and Tablework
    Boundaries and Empowerment

  • Trauma Trainings

    Trauma Trainings

    Custom Programs and Presentations
    In-Service and Community Workshops
    Case Consultations for Professionals



Life Issues


2015 Mindfulness Training: A Novel Approach to Intervention in Aboriginal Communities Experiencing Trauma

Foundations of Trauma and Attachment: Theory and Self-Regulation Skills for Educators Working with First Nations Children and Youth

Trauma-Informed Mindfulness, Meditation and Yoga (Full-Day Pre-Conference Event)

Trauma Lifeline Training: Trauma-informed somatic skills for crisis and distress line workers to support safety, stabilization and self-regulation

Reducing the Risks of Abstinence Through Emotional Regulation

Trauma-Informed Safety and Stabilization

Somatic Experiencing™ Training Assistant

Connection: Deepen Your Relationship with Yourself and Others Through the Wisdom of the Horse

Trauma Sensitive Yoga Training for Yoga Teachers

Sukha Trauma Workshop v5 2014

Trauma-Informed Foster Parenting (day 1)

© 2013 –   The Refuge.